
Pygmalion / Пигмалион (2002, George Bernard Shaw)

Pygmalion / Пигмалион
Формат: аудиоспектакль, MP3, 128kbps
Автор: George Bernard Shaw / Бернард Шоу
Год выпуска: 2002
Жанр: drama / драма
Издательство: NAXOS AudioBooks
Исполнитель: Anton Lesser, Lucy Whybrow, Geoffrey Palmer, and full cast
Язык: английский
Продолжительность: 02:37:00


Pygmalion remains one of the most popular stories – but mainly in the medium of the musical; the evergreen My Fair Lady. But much of the charm and wit comes from the words and timing in Shaw’s original play. Here are the characters of Professor Higgins, his friend Colonel Pickering, and their charge, Eliza Doolittle. Directed by John Tydeman, this delightful comedy is presented in its original play version, with the extended narrations setting the background and concluding the drama – a device perfectly suited to Audiobook.


Professor Higgins – Anton Lesser
Colonel Pickering – Geoffrey Palmer
Eliza Doolittle – Lucy Whybrow
Mrs Higgins – Hannah Gordon
Doolittle – David Burke
Mrs Pearce – Kate Binchy
Mrs Eynsford Hill – Frances Jeater
Freddie Eynsford Hill – Charlie Simpson
Clara Eynsford Hill – Fritha Goodey
Gentleman 1 – Daniel Philpott
Gentleman 2 – Ben Warwick
Narrator – Denys Hawthorne

Disc 1

1.Covent Garden at 11.15 pm. Torrents of heavy summer rain. - 2:26
2. THE FLOWER GIRL 'Nah then Freddy...' - 2:15
3. THE NOTE TAKER 'There, there, there, there!' - 7:19
4. Next day at 11 am. Higgins's laboratory in Wimpole Street. - 7:20
5. HIGGINS 'I shall make a duchess of this draggletailed guttersnipe.' - 9:00
6. PICKERING 'Excuse the straight question, Higins.' - 5:30
7 MRS PEARCE 'Doolittle, sir.' - 3:55
8. HIGGINS 'Mrs Pearce: this is Eliza's father.' - 11:39
9. HIGGINS 'Say your alphabet.' - 2:31
10. Mrs Higgins's. It is between four and five in the afternoon. - 7:06
11. MRS HIGGINS 'Will it rain, do you think?' - 7:10
12. MRS HIGGINS 'Will it rain, do you think?' - 5:27
Disc 2

1.The Wimpole Street laboratory. Midnight. - 11:10
2. Mrs Higgins's drawing-room. The parlour-maid comes in. - 2:12
3. THE PARLOUR-MAID 'Mr Doolittle.' - 6:14
4. MRS HIGGINS 'Well, I'm very glad you're not going to do anything foolish,...' - 4:05
5. THE PARLOUR-MAID 'You rang Ma'am' - 5:36
6 DOOLITTLE 'Hello, Eliza!' - 3:19
7. HIGGINS 'Well Eliza, you've had a bit of your own back...' - 7:05
8. ELIZA 'I want a little kindness.' - 6:57
Disc 3

1.The rest of the story need not be shown in action... - 3:37
2. As our own instincts are not appealed to by her conclusion,... - 4:00
3. And now, whow did Eliza marry? - 5:43
4. It is true that Eliza's situation did not seem wholly ineligible. - 4:10
5. It was the Colonel who finally solved the problem. - 8:12
6. When Freddy paid a visit to Earls Court... - 4:44
7. On the piteous spectacle of the pair spending their evenings... - 4:13
8. That is all. That is how it has turned out. - 3:51

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Аудиокниги / Аудиокниги на ин. языках

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Язык: английский
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Формат: аудиокнига, MP3, 56kbps
Автор: Wilbur Smith / Уилбур Смит
Год выпуска: 2013
Жанр: Приключения
Издательство: Нигде не купишь
Исполнитель: John Cartwright / Джон Картврайт
Продолжительность: 19:38:58


Классический американский детектив. Сборник (2006, Жак Фатрелл)

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Год выпуска: 2006
Оригинальное название: Classic American Detective
Жанр: Детектив
Издательство: Ардис
Исполнитель: Brent Bradley
Продолжительность: 04:21:48
Язык: Английский


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Формат: аудиокнига, MP3, 112kbps
Автор: Коллектив авторов
Год выпуска: 2008
Жанр: Сказания, мифы
Издательство: Радио Алания
Исполнитель: Ю. Мерденов, М. Икаев, К. Сланов, Н. Саламов и Д. Темираев
Продолжительность: 13:08:08


Othello / Отелло (2007, William Shakespear)

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Формат: аудиоспектакль, WMA, 128kbps
Автор: William Shakespear / Уильям Шекспир
Год выпуска: 2007
Жанр: tragedy / трагедия
Издательство: NAXOS AudioBooks
Исполнитель: Ewan McGregor, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Kelly Reilly
Язык: английский
Продолжительность: 02:36:00